20 research outputs found

    Development of an Intellectual Educational and Diagnostic Complex for the Histological Analysis of Thyroid Tumors

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    The purpose of this project is the creation of an interactive intellectual training system based on the DBMS, which allows to organize and store information, transfer and copy data for employees. The already existing images and their characteristics are structured, a decision support system is developed for the recognition of tumors and suspicious cells, which saves time for an already experienced oncologist. This system allows to increase the accuracy of diagnosis. Educational and diagnostic complexes help to accumulate experience for young specialists in the field of image analysis, carry out comparative research, which speeds up the learning process, promotes professional development of the specialist. Keywords: diagnostic,thyroid, oncological, aspiration biopsy

    Intellectual Information and Training System for Software and Hardware Complexes of Morphological Diagnostics of Esophageal Tumors

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    The aim of the work is to create a system of formalizing knowledge in the histological diagnosis of esophageal tumors and systematic transfer of knowledge to less experienced specialists. It is also a system that will provide support in making a decision in a histological diagnosis. Keywords: esophagus, morphological, automatic work place, system of support for the solutio

    Intellectual Interdisciplinary Support System for Making Medical Decisions in the Diagnosis of Inorganic Retroperitoneal Tumors

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    The paper considers the creation of the intellectual support system of medical decisions of inorganic retroperitoneal tumors. The system is focused on improvement ofdiagnostics quality ofinorganic retroperitoneal tumors - one of the most difficult at diagnosing at early stages among oncologic patients

    Research of the Leukocytes Segmentation Method in the Blood Cells Recognition Systems

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    The paper proposed a method of segmentation of leukocytes from the blood and bone marrow samples. A study of the accuracy characteristics of the method is carried out. The techniques of watersheds and the distances transformation were used as the basis of our segmentation method to achieve optimal segmentation of leukocyte. Proposed method was successfully embedded in the system of automatic recognition of white blood cells for classification of blood cells. Keywords: white blood cells segmentation, cells recognition, watershed method, distance transformation method, acute leukemia

    Research Neural Network to Recognize Blood Cells

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    The work investigates a neural network classifier for the differential diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and lymphomas. Specialized software was developed for research. The accuracy characteristics of the recognition of red blood cells were obtained in studies, it allows to judge about the possibility of using neural networks for classification of blood cells. Keywords: neural network, digital image processing, blood cells detection, acute lymphoblastic leukemia

    Method of Myelogram Analysis in Leukocyte Recognition Systems

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    An approach for the formation of a myelogram was proposed. It is based on digital image processing and pattern recognition. It is used in automated analysis of blood smears and bone marrow. The proposed approach is implemented in an automated recognition system of blood cells. The effectiveness of the proposed approach was evaluated. Keywords: Computer microscopy, image processing, segmentation, blood cells recognition, acute leukemi

    Expert System for Histological Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer

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    The paper is dedicated to the development of expert system for histological prostate cancer diagnosis. The developed system allows to fill the knowledge base and then to use this knowledge base to support physician decision on the histological diagnosis of prostate disease. Keywords: pattern recognition, prostate cancer diagnosis, decision making, decision support syste

    Estimated Inpatient Hospital Stay in Individual Wards: Guidelines on Radiation Safety after Radioiodine Therapy

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    Radionuclide therapy safety requirements are regulated by the Russian Radiation Safety Standards (RRSS), which state the maximum allowed radionuclide activity in the body and the equivalent dose rate (EDR) of gamma radiation. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate the time of an inpatient hospital stay in specially designed radionuclide therapy wards. The article presents the findings of individual 131I biokinetics studies in 64 patients admitted to radioiodine therapy of thyrotoxicosis and differentiated thyroid cancer. We developed a method to calculate the time interval to reach the EDR of 20μSv/h and the recommended EDR of 3 and 0.3μSv/h for adults and children, respectively. It is based on the measurement of the 131I excretion constant. Keywords: Radioiodine therapy, Radiation safety, Guidelin

    System Approach to the Development of Intelligent Complexes of Oncological Diagnostics

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    The system approach to the development of intellectual complexes in cancer diagnosis are discussed in the article. Distinctive features of this approach: the participation of pathologist at the stage of description of recognizable images (the description is based on traditional assessments of quality informative features of tumors); the set of the most similar probabilistic diagnoses is forming on the classification stage of recognition; final histological diagnosis is made by pathologist. The proposed approach has been successfully tested in clinical practice. Keywords: image processing, image description, image classification, pattern recognition, qualitative attributes of tumor images, interactive recognition, cancer diagnosis, decision support syste

    Функциональные особенности внешнего дыхания у шахтеров

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    Objective: to study external respiratory function in miners with a varying length of underground service in order to further develop differential respiratory therapy for evolving critical conditions.Materials and methods. The studies were performed in 530 miners who were able-bodied drift miners and diggers from two Novokuznetsk mines (a study group). The group was divided into 4 subgroups in relation to the length of underground service and age. In both groups, expiratory respiratory function was studied on a «MicroLoop» spirometer (Micro Medical Ltd (United Kingdom), by mathematically processing the Results. Velocity and capacity values were measured.Results. The study has shown similar external respiratory changes: a reduction in capacity indices (vital capacity, forced vital capacity) in the presence of preserved velocity indices, which occur just with a length of underground service of up to 10 years. As the length of underground service and age of the examined miners increase, these disorders progress — there is a significant reduction in capacity and then velocity (MVR 25-50) spirographic characteristics.Conclusion. While working in the mine, drift miners and diggers develop a mixed type of external respiratory disorders with a preponderance of restrictive ones. Ventilation disorders progress with increases in the length of underground service and age. When a critical condition emerges at this background, adequate respiratory therapy is obviously one of the leading components of successful treatment. Целью исследования. Изучить функции внешнего дыхания у шахтеров с различным подземным стажем работы для последующей разработки дифференцированной респираторной терапии при развитии критических состояний.Материалы и методы. Исследования проведены у 530 шахтеров (основная группа) — трудоспособных проходчиков и горнорабочих двух шахт города Новокузнецка. Основная группа была разделена на четыре подгруппы в зависимости от подземного стажа работы и возраста. В обеих группах проводили исследование функции внешнего дыхания спирометром «MicroLoop» фирмы Micro Medical Ltd (Великобритания) с математической обработкой результатов. Измеряли скоростные и емкостные показатели.Результаты. Во время исследований наблюдали однотипные изменения показателей внешнего дыхания: снижение емкостных параметров (ЖЕЛ, ФЖЕЛ) на фоне сохранных скоростных характеристик, происходящие уже при подземном стаже работы до 10 лет. С увеличением стажа подземной работы и возраста обследованных горнорабочих, эти нарушения прогрессируют — происходит достоверное снижение емкостных, а затем и скоростных (МОС 25-50) характеристик спирограммы.Заключение. В процессе работы в условиях шахты, у проходчиков и горнорабочих развивается смешанный вариант нарушений внешнего дыхания с преобладанием рестрик-тивного. При увеличении стажа подземной работы и возраста вентиляционные расстройства прогрессируют. Очевидно, что при возникновении на этом фоне критического состояния, одним из ведущих аспектов успешного лечения является адекватная респираторная терапия.